《登入系統》Log into the system

 帳號 Username :
 密碼 Password :

本國學生登入說明(For alumni who are Taiwanese):
※ The username is your student number, and the password is the last five digits of your ID card number (for example: if your ID card number is A987654321, your password is 54321).

外國學生登入說明(For alumni who are foreign nationals)
※The username is your student number, and the password is your student number plus your date of birth (mm/dd) (for example, if your student number is 100999999, and the date of birth is 0101, the password is 1009999990101)

◎If you have questions, please call the Office of the Secretariat at 886-3-856-5301 ext. 1005 or 1012.